Jimmy Choo
Alexander McQueen
Jimmy Choo
Alexandre Birman
Oscar de la Renta
Miu Miu
Christian Louboutin
Diane von Frustenberg
Michael Kors
Heidi London
Kara by Kara Ross
Emilio Pucci
Christian Louboutin
If you like something exotic, this hot summer trend is perfect for you! Python skin motifs are everywhere, on shoes, bags, clutches, belts, even on sunglasses. This trend is so beautiful, so even if you have opsidiophobia (abnormal fear of snakes) you would love it :)
Ako ste od onih sa malo egzotičnijim ukusom, i jednostavno volite da se razlikuje onda je ovaj trend savršen izbor! Kao i sa leopard prinotm, umerenost je tajna uspešnog stilizovanja ovakvih komada, i tada se postiže pun efekat. Mislim da su vreli letnji dani najbolji za ovaj trend, zamislite svu tu zmijsku kožu obasjanu suncem i taman ten, savršeno! Naravno, nema potrebe da čekamo do tada tako da ako ste pronašli svoj savršen par cipela ili torbu ukrašenu ovim motivom samo napred :)
And i want to mention Kimberly from
City-Style who awaeded me with the
One Lovely Blog Award! Thank you so much, it really means a lot tome!
The rules are:
1. Link Back to the person who passed you the award
2. Share 7 random things about yourself
3. Aword 15 blogs
4. Drop them a note and tell them about it
7 things about me:
1. I'm a psychologist
2. I'm writing for one great oline magazine
style.rs3. I like to experiment with food
4. My favorite color is blue
5. Love photography
6. Last year was the most difficult year in my life
7. And i'm always optimistic
Blogs- random: