The IOU Project and UNIQUENESS

These days i got a mail from Kavita Parmar, fashion designer. She and her compyny have intrasting challange, to produce totally unique clothing that would be cool and causal, and each piece is unique and diferent, that will be launch in the first days of May. What is special about their clothing? Well, every single piece is made by hand, practically without energy, using natural cotton (grown locally), responsible towards the environment, with endless variety hand woven fabric and hand made piece of clothing, celebrating the uniqueness. Well,  it sounds pretty special, doesen't it? There is a video about the IOU Projecr and you can watch it to find out more about their challange and ideas.

Ovih dana sam dobila mail od Kavite Parmar, dizajnera koja zajedno sa svojom kompanijom sebi postavila veoma interesantan izazov. Radi se o IOU projektu o kome ste verovatno već negde čitali i čuli, kao što sam i ja. Šta je ono što ih čini tako posebnim? Suština je u tome da se radi o proizvodima koji su rezultat ručne izrade, napravljeni od prirodnog pamuka, u procesu ekološki odgovorne proizvodnje, sa beskrajnim varijacijama tkanja i ručno pravljenih komada odeće u slavu posebnosti i različitosti. Može se reći da to zvuči prilično interesantno, a više o ideji i ovom projektu možete saznati ako pogledate ovaj klip.