Blue dress, yellow flowers...

Dress: my creation
Photographer: Đorđe G.

Recipe for a perfect day:
One beautuful spring day (April days are perfect),
Big blue sky and lot of sun,
Morning coffee with someone who you love,
The scent of flowers in the air, hyacinths or daffodils, whatever you like more,
And spice it with butterflies in a stomach...pure perfection.

Recept za savršen dan:
Jedan pravi prolećni dan, ovi aprilski su baš taman,
Veliko plavo nebo, može sa po nekim oblačkom, ali onim lepim paperjastim,
Mnogo sunca,
Sveža, divna, jutarnja kafa sa nekim koga volite,
Miris cveća u vazduhu, zumbuli, narcisi šta god vam je draže,
i sve to začinite sa leptirićima u stomaku...čisto savršenstvo.